After 5 years of medical school.
Tommorow she is going to face her final exam.
She will be just fine, InsyaAllah.
She is always the strong one.
Although once in a while she nearly crumbled,
Nearly but never.
I know her well.
Her ohs! and ahs!
Her ups and down.
Always making me see myself in that young woman.
I am just like her..She is just like me.
After spending nine month in my womb,
No wonder she takes after me....
And tonite my dear daugther..
My prayers will be for you..
Please God take good care of my angel.
Make her wish come true.
Give her all the blessings..
Spare the frustrations..
Keep away the despair..
For Allah only You know how
to keep things going on the right track.
And making my daughter happy,
Is all that matters..
Please God, I believed,
She is in safe hands as long as she is near You.
Allah..AlHayyum AlQayyum.
canteeeekk dia...sebijik mcm mummy...
yer ke sama mcm mummy? TQ CM for dropping by.
kakak,good luck.i know you can do it(:
All the best for her final examinations!
cantik menarik tertarik ...macam mak dia gaak kan
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