Tetamu yang sentiasa memeriahkan laman saya..TQ

Friday, May 15, 2009

bees r not that buzy

U buzy???
Of course everybody is.
I am not that buzy but will try to be one.
They say if u can't beat them, join them.
Starting from today I will always be buzy..very very buzy!
No more time for things that I am sick off
but enough time for things on the top of my favorite list.
No time for people I consider parasites
Ample time for luv ones
Hoping and waiting is a waste of time
Too buzy for that too...
But I am pretty sure is that I won't be too buzy for u
my dear computer.


su said...


mekaseh sudi jengah ke blog su...

Selamat Hari Guru dan jgn lupe senyum slalu yer :)

TokNabe said...

karya2 sman Awang ni penuh makna tersirat. Selamat Hari Guru. Moga terus kesudian untuk mendidik anak bangsa menjadi isan yang sempurna.

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