With a few new staff coming in..there will surely be some changes..someone is going to be kicked out soon...Everyone is keeping their fingers cross.It might be me, it might be you.
Its kind of a lucky draw, or rather unlucky in this case I assumed. Who knows life might be better on the other side of the fence since the grass is greener too, always is!
If I am the one chosen to bid good bye to this old familiar place and familiar faces, i will take the challenges like a hero. I don't really mind at all. Anyway I've been too long here. Sometimes things get annoying when they get over familiar...boring that is. It will be just great no matter where I'll be posted to. I'll be optimist and enjoy the changes.
The only thing that bothers me is making new friends. I'm not good at making new friends, Of course I'll miss my old friends. I have a handful of very special people here..comfortable to be with and had lots of memories to cherish. Never mind, soon enough I'll manage..
Will today be the day?? Please, please dear God, just let it be somewhere nearby..Please not Gua Musang dah laaaaa....
Yeh...... MACHANG guano?
MOE Palestin n PPD Gaza nak Gb,PK 1..berminat??????
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