Yesterday I was not behind the wheels, my dearest son in law was. Once in a blue moon, got somebody to drive is soooo nice..TQ Wan, mummy gives you an 'A+' for that..
I remember the time Che boarded the car and mummy was driving at 110-150 kmph. All the way her eyes were glued to the meters and never failing to remind mummy to step on the brakes or telling me what creature was approaching or tailing.. .Che should have worked for the JPJ and mummy is very sure that mummy's driving license will be put to an end by her!
But that is what mothers are for...To keep you on the right track whenever you forget where you are going...TQ Che.
As for Wan, next time you drive, with me or without me, I will have a peace of mind knowing the way you handle the car...So Wan, these are the car keys..
salam. Wan is surely one driver 'mithali'. I bet everybody will feel safe in the hand of Wan.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan almubarak.
Tq. That's my Wan.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak ye!
Semoga kita beroleh baraqah di bulan yang mulia ini!
gapo menu berbuka esok? wat extra... nak gi tapau..muahaha
salam.. wah berhemah gitu.. kalo lah suma org camtu..
salam ramadhan jugak untuk versedanggerik dan Maiyah.
As for rinaabdullah, meh buka posa sini pas tu ada extra baru kg pandan pun dah setuju nak berbuka kat sini hari ni.come n join the group.
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