No matter how,
No matter what,
you will survive.
Life isn't always sunshine,
sometimes it rains.
Nothing can break you.
Be like the willows..
Let the wind sweep you to and fro
Bending at every harsh blow,
Bending but not breaking..
Not at all..
Iffah, no matter what they think of you
It is you who have the power
to be what you are.
Stand tall and prove to the world.
Everything is possible.
anak akak masuk seri puteri ke??
waaa...that's good...
such a best skool..
semoga iffah tabah...dan survive...
Nie, don't worry, she's a bright intelligent n strong child. With u as her mom, she'll survive in whatever situation. Just guide her on the right path. Insyaallah.
InsyaAlah berkat doa semua, dia kan mampu menyesuaikan diri dgn persekitaran.
Tell Iffah dah dulu2 pun 'Moksu Cikin' oso hd a hard time adjusting to new life at KYS but now she is enjoying herself there.
Ayah j, I told her that almost everybody dlm family pernah merasai tinggal di asrama penuh.hope dia boleh cope, insyaAllah
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