Been dieting like crazy.
Do I look slimmer?
Nope. Still plum.
But not as plum as before.
Do I feel better?
So much better.
Did I lose weight?
Of course laa..
How much?
Slow n steady
The diet is still on?
Suppose so..
Try to proceed.
What about Aidilfitri?
Uwaaaa!!!! itu yg risau tu...
Sah rosak la diet musim raya nanti...
By the way, to tell you the truth, it is so hard to manage the 'Self Discipline'.
Thanks for the moral support I am getting from someone that understands my need to shed some kilos..Although I am still under the 'XL' category, I am so happy when I can get into those kebayas again..The fasting month helps a lot too..
My motto : "kalau tak jadi Duyung pun tak per, asal bukan Dugong..."
salam.. ye ler nampak slim gitu heeee
TQ for the support.Raya nanti tak tau la boleh ke tak maintain ni..
Keep it up and don't give up.
Nak maintain, lepas raya pertama terus je puasa 6. Amacam? le. Gaji dah masuk :)
Time raya tu ada wedding la DrSam..
yup, dah gaji pun...tu bonus tu, bila nak dapat ek?
makan biskut raya pun boleh menambahkan kebuncitan bahagian perut, betul tak? biskut raya ni maksudnya yang best2, solid dgn coklat, cornflakes, keju, sapi, uwaaaaaa!!!! the moral of the story-->jgn beli banyak sgt!!
hmmm,akak jugak tak kecik2,,,,
takpe kak...
keep on trying...
hidup kene enjoy jugak..
kalau byk sgt donts susah jugak...
kesihatan pun kene jage jugak, berpada2 laa...
satu prob kalau dah susah nk slim down ni sbb metabolisme kite dah tak mcm mase mude2 dulu...
xpe laa...
istiqamah, tu yg penting...
yg penting, kene rase nikmat hidup... :)
Funny ........ During fasting month ni I put on 2kgs. Why? Makan lebih tidor lebih n less cycling. Input > output = 2 kg up.
Berbuke with a glass of sweet drink plus korma. Nasi tambah lagi n malam sahur pun tambah jugak. Nampaknya raya ni got to cycle back to kb. No traffic jam :)
hahaha...good idea.make sure you hang the rendang n ketupats properly to ur bikes...
Selamat Hari Raya Ayh Jie, Aunty Yam,Wina,Syazwan and Cikin...2nd raya at our place k?
We hv a standing agreement. Raya puasa kat KL n raya haji kat kelantan. Why? The best of both world. Kalau raya puasa kat kelantan by 2nd day semua orang dah puasa 6 n raya haji kat kelantan bolih korban kat sana.
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