bertambah la sorang lagi
cucu sedara ku..
Girl lagi kali ni.
Congrats to the parents.
Syam nanti jaga Zai lekluk k..
And not to forget
to the grandparents too..
Nama 'Nik' apa nanti?
Nik Michiko?
Nik Akiko?
Nik Yoshiko?
Nasib baik kuar kat Msia,
Apa apa pun give a good name..I'm sure Tok Abah n Tok Ma got lists of it.
Thank you Su.
mama&abah tgh berehat di rumah Su skrg,
smalam pkl 12 mlm baru blk dr hospital.
Raya Haji nanti InsyaAllah baby bole jumpa Su.
Nama : Nik Alyiesha binti Nik Nazrulhisham
welcome to the club Nik Alyiesha..Tak sabar nak jumpa cucu sedara ke barapa ni? ke-8? Sorang lagi(Terengganu)on the way...
Make urself at home kak and abg mad.
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