Grandpa as usual was buzy with his riding gear..Cervelo bikes and all.
Grandma was in her garden with Anis.
Apa aje lah yang mereka duk intai tu?
Anis was so fascinated by what she saw.
Heran bin ajaib.
The avocado tree is bearing fruits.
Anis, an avocado lover couldn't believe her eyes.
Betul. memang berbuah dah..
At last dapat jugak Anis tengok buah avocado di pokok.
Apart from the tree,
just look at this corner.
Ni lah bangku tempat arwah moyang Anis suka duduk2..
Sambil duduk sambil pungut bunga melur yg merimbun tu.
'Moyang' loved the smell of jasmin.
Tiba2 teringat kat 'Gemuloh mok'
Answering the question..No, that is not grandpa's Cervelo.
Never will he park his cervelo in front of his house like that.
His cervelos r inside, warm and cosy as bikes should be..Am I right ?
No, no, no Anis,
did u mess around with grandma's collections?
Nice to look but don't ever think of touching them.
Ok, bye TokJi and TokYam..Thanks for the lunch.
By the way, Anis was terified when you told her about 'Nasi Ganja'
"Mummy, Polis tak tangkap ke kalau makan nasi ni?"
wah.... avocado boleh hidup ye kat sini kak hani.... munna suka minum air aispolkat
tu lah..kira jarang2 org tabam kat msia ni.tak silap akak, dari Australia asal benih pokok tu..
kalau ke indon air apokat mmg kegemaran akak sekeluarga.
acik sendiri pun tak pernah tengok buah avocado dipokok..beruntung anis
mcm pokok jambu batu
My gardener wanted to cut down the Jasmine tree. I told him don't ever do that. That is her favourite sitting place.
Usually she will sit there around 6pm knowing that I will come home early if she is around.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
AlFatihah x 3
May Allah SWT bless her soul and place her amongst the righteous.
My bongsu pon nama Anis...!
such a nice and green dwelling place..
kak, saya suka minum jus alpukat...jus avocado tu...sedap!!
Maner boleh dapat benih?
Wanisan, keep that jasmine tree.nostalgia
Yer ke Gedek..Anis aje.?
Cikli, mmg green n nice atmosphere. sorang lagi peminat jus apokat.boleh geng.
Kak marina, i'm not sure cnma they manage to plant it on the first place...nnti kena interview my uncle dulu
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