When I am upset about something, I go to the refrigerator.
When I am happy, I cook extra special dishes for everybody including me.
When I celebrate something nice, eating out is a must.
People bribe me with food all the time
(Coz they know, the way to my heart is thru my tummy)
I even reward myself with food when I deserve a reward.
I enjoy cooking,
I enjoy eating too.
These are my mistakes.
And this is the result of the mistakes I have made.
So you think I should start dieting again,shouldn't I?
(Please, no answers required..)
Small mistake never mind lah cikgu..
Its ok cikgu, u look cute, but never add anymore.
I was about to punch some words but you need no answer. hehehe. Buat la apa pun, janji you happy.
itu yg susahnyer lipislady, nak stay cmni payah tul.tambah berisi ada lah
Tokngah u better keep it to urself coz i know whats on ur mind..hehehee
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