Buzy ek?
Ok ok I get it.
I really get sick of buzy people.
Sick Sick Sick.
Everybody is buzy.
I am too.
But I am never too buzy for my love ones.
I suppose buzy is only an excuse.
Well, for those buzy people out there.
Just watch out.
Someday I will be too buzy for you too.
Way to buzy to even remember your name.
Let alone to be your friend.
Am I mad at someone?
Bet I am...
I am not thinking of erasing your number,
I am erasing you out of my life.
..a hasty decision, cikgu..everyone deserved 2nd chances..including you..:) so, spare that eraser..
some just pretending to be busy or busying themselves looking busy.
Sallam, yeaa.. bz is the very popular excuse.....
Heheheeeee....... pink bottle pun ada jugak?
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