Two lonely people together.
This morning before going to school,
I go to my best friend for company.
My best friend is always there for me.
I was welcomed and I am always welcome.
Never disappoints me..Tq my best friend.
Always providing me with the best comfort food.
Ice creams, Chocolates, Puddings..U name it..
The only thing that is always there when I need a place to turn to.
Besar, teguh dan peramah....not me lah, the fridge I mean.
Itu pasal lah aku tak kurus kurus nih!
nampak kurus dah tu....!!!
Cantikla kak hani..dh kurus tu...mana ada gemok lagi..hehehe..senyum la skit ekh..ilangkan gundah di hati mengharungi permainan duniawi......
yelah.. dah kurus pe tu
Nie, you looks great. Congrat U have done it. See u.
Betul ke kurus tu lawa.....? :D
hahaha..kurus tu jauh lagi...yang penting kurangkan berat badan untuk jaga kesihatan.
perempuan mmg skekan bnda2 cani eh kak.sme la cam mak sy jgk.suri rmh la katekan.hehe
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