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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The battle.

My daughter is in full control of the remote . Like it or not I have to stare at that 'Geng bus sekolah' for the thousand time. Okay, fine. I just let her have it her way and not trying to win.Tomorrow it will not be easier either. Iffah is coming back tonite n she will surely take control of the remote. Anis and I will have to settle down with the channels available from the TV set in my room. Then later(Saturday) comes Chik and Along. Together comes the sports channel or the big boys game stuff..So Iffah, you are welcome to our club now-'The losers!'.But wait, soon( Sunday) someone from Ireland is coming back..Nothing much to worry, she is the type that consider TV as the sleeping pills..after hard struggling to win her channel, in 5 mins time we will have the TV to ourselves...Go ahead Anis, you still have 4 more hours to monopolize the TV set and mummy is going to be here tapping the key board beside you, trying hard not to throw up whenever that song is on air over and over again...Geng bas skolahhh..Geng bas skolahhhhh....

1 comment:

Memorable trails... said...

Yes,same here,I also have to bear with that Geng Bas Sekolah and Adi dan Ayah..They will definitely get control of the remote.
Another two coming back from hostel tomorrow.Mom will be the loser.

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