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Monday, March 6, 2023

Let it go

I have faced a number of loses. People dont stay forever in your life. Friends come and go. Even your own children doesnt have to stay forever in your life. They may be close at heart but so far in distance. Today you might be surounded by love ones but tommorrow who knows..
Lost by death is one hard thing to digest. Another kind of lost is so unbearable! Its losing someone when they start to change. They are right here beside you but they are not the same person anymore. You are being left on your own although in their presence. Being ignored. Feeling rejected and worthless.
But how bad you need that someone to stay, if you feel like you are being rejected, then go! Dont force relationship. Dont be desperate. Please consider your own selfworth rather than begging others to come close. Just go. 
Let go!

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