Well, kids say the darnest thing!
I remember well those days when I was teaching primary school kids.
I have quite a number of fond memories of those days.
Some memories even still make me smile to this very day whenever I come to think of it.
I used to teach standard one, trying hard to cope
with 30 active 7 year old kids at a time.
Loving the time as well.Making the best if it.
first case of kids saying the darnest thing that I love to share...
One of my pupils which I cannot remember from what year n from which class came to me, leaning at my desk.
I looked at her, asking her if she needed any kind of assistance.
Her eyes were fixed on my bangles that I wore on my wrist.
And she said..
" My mum has a bangle just like this."
" O really? " Was my response at that time.
" But hers are much bigger, much nicer than yours!"
This popped out of her mouth and much more.
" My mum sells chicken everyday n if you want to have bangles as big as hers you should try to sell chickens too"
Kids never lie. She was telling the truth and never did she have the intention of hurting my feelings.
Yup, I understood her point then n I thought this little girl will be a good politician one day.
( From what I heard, she is a doctor now serving in Husm kubang krian.)
Another case which I like very much to share.
This one little boy was always on my nerves. He never sit still and his untidy handwritings was so annoying.
He rarely did what was told and almost everyday he was being scolded for his mischievieous behavior.
Whenever I called his name, he took the longest time to respond.
Always like that. Always!
One day, it was a teachers day celebration in school.
I received lots of presents from my students.
I saw him coming towards me, sort of hesitating, questioning his own moves.
He handed me something, a bun still in wrappers.
" Happy teachers day..." He said shyly.
I did not expect anything from him knowing well of his family background.
So nice of him to give me a bun with chicken curry filling.
"Tq but you dont have to... where did you buy this son?"
I hold him closed but he strugled, always keeping a distance.
" I didnt buy it, the bun was my free breakfast from the school canteen."
Now I know. He was on this frèe breakfast program for malnurished kids, those unfotunate low family income kids.
God! He brought tears to my eyes that morning.
He didnt eat his breakfast just to give me a ' teachers day present' just like his friends just did.
" You shouldnt do that but thanks anyway. I love to eat your chicken curry buns"
I told him n that made him smile from ear to ear.
I offered him my sandwiches that I brought from home.
He happily took it and said these last words...
"Ticer, ticer makan separuh jer, kalu habiskan ticer laaagi gemuk!"
Did I hear that right?
Well...As I've said earlier....
Kids did say the darnest thing!
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